We present the results of first studies of the Resistive Plate WELL (RPWELL): a single-faced THGEM coupled to a copper anode via a resistive layer of high bulk resistivity. We explored various materials of different bulk resistivity (10 9 − 10 12 Ωcm) and thickness (0.4 − 4 mm). Our most successful prototype, with a 0.6 mm resistive plate of ∼ 10 9 Ωcm, achieved gains of up to 10 5 with 8 keV x-ray in Ne/5%CH 4 ; a minor 30% gain drop occurred with a rate increase from 10 to 10 4 Hz/mm 2 . The detector displayed a full "discharge-free" operation-even when exposed to high primary ionization events. We present the RPWELL detector concept and compare its performance to that of other previously explored THGEM configurations-in terms of gain, its curves, dependence on rate, and the response to high ionization. The robust Resistive Plate WELL concept is a step forward in the Micro-Pattern Gas-Detector family, with numerous potential applications.