The metathoracic scent system in Heteroptera produces and releases defensive volatile compounds. The odor produced by predatory stink bugs differs from phytophagous bugs, suggesting a variation between the structure and function of the metathoracic scent system. The anatomy and ultrastructure of the external thoracic efferent system, scent gland, and reservoir in the stink bug predators Brontocoris tabidus, Podisus nigrispinus, and Supputius cincticeps (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae) were studied. External thoracic efferent systems of B. tabidus, P. nigrispinus, and S. cincticeps have anatomical differences in ostiole, peritreme, and evaporatorium. Scent glands have a secretory portion and a reservoir. The reservoir has irregular projections, and in B. tabidus, it is enlarged and heart shaped, whereas in P. nigrispinus and S. cincticeps it is flattened and semicircular. The secretory tissue of the scent gland has well-developed globular secretory cells that produce odorous compounds, and the reservoir has a single layer of cubical cells lined by a cuticular intima. Secretory cells are type III with an intracellular end apparatus, well-developed nucleus with decondensed chromatin, and cytoplasm rich in mitochondria, lysosomes, granules, and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. These findings suggest that there are differences in physiological function of the odoriferous system and the volatile compounds produced by the secretory cells, which may indicate variation in defensive behavior of these species.