The current investigation took place at P.G. Laboratory of Department of Horticulture, School of Agriculture, ITM University, Gwalior (M.P.) during the year 2021. To satisfy customer demand in both national and international markets, blended beverages made from fruits, medicinal herbs, and spices are a rich source of nutrients, medical characteristics, and flavours. 10 % of blend consisting 80 % papaya pulp, 10 % ginger juice and 10 % honey (T6) was found best on 9- point hedonic scale by semi-trained judges including males and females for the preparation of RTS with 13% TSS, 0.20% acidity and 70 ppm SO2 than other blend combinations. Result revealed that the TSS, acidity, reducing sugars and total sugars increased whereas, pH, vitamin-A, vitamin-C, non-reducing sugar and organoleptic score decreased continuously up to the termination period of the storage under room conditions (23.1-28.70C). Furthermore, it had been noticed that RTS beverage could be stored for 4 months with acceptable sensory quality into polypet bottles.