The innovation of science and technology in healthcare systems and the increased need for quality of life among patients and families demands a redesigned academic model to foster graduates with high levels of competence, knowledge and skills (Mohieldein, 2017). Bryar et al. (2011 and the World Health Organization (2001) identified a group of professional competencies for Registered Nurses (RNs) that were important for providing patients with high-quality, safe care. In particular, there is strong evidence that professional competencies, such as Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degrees, among RNs enhance high-quality nursing care, which promotes patient safety (Aiken et al., 2014).In Korea, the undergraduate programme aims to nurture competent nurses, and the educational content and learning process are determined by the learning outcomes (Kim, 2012a). The Korean Accreditation Board of Nursing Education (KABONE) has been evaluating the bachelor's degree programme in nursing through a 5 years certification system since 2004. In accordance with the Medical Act, all universities in Korea must obtain a nursing education certification