This article is available online at Acyl-CoAs are a class of important molecules that play essential roles in many physiological processes ( 1 ), such as fatty acid oxidation, lipid synthesis/remodeling, ketone body synthesis, xenobiotic metabolism, and signaling pathways. Classically, acyl-CoAs such as free CoA, acetyl-CoA, and malonyl-CoA are recognized as regulators of metabolic fl ux. The ratio of acetyl-CoA versus free CoA tightly regulates glycolysis and fatty acid oxidation. Malonyl-CoA attenuates fatty acid oxidation by inhibiting acyl-CoA transport into the mitochondrion for oxidation and is utilized in fatty acid synthesis when its concentration is elevated ( 2 ). Many proteins and genes are dynamically regulated by deacylation and acylation via various acyl-CoAs, such as acetyl-CoA, succinyl-CoA, palmitoyl-CoA, etc. ( 3 ). However, acyl-CoAs present in the cell are diverse and may involve molecules beyond fatty acids and their oxidized derivatives. The metabolism of xenobiotics can also lead to the formation of acyl-CoAs, as demonstrated in our previous work on the metabolism of 4-hydroxy acids from C 4 to C 11 in perfused rat liver. The identifi cation of these novel acyl-CoAs extends our understanding of the new catabolic pathways involved in the disposal of 4-hydroxy acids including drugs of abuse and lipid peroxidation products ( 4-8 ).Acyl-CoAs are exclusive to the intracellular metabolites, and the profi le of these biomolecules is indicative of the local metabolic status. Each organ has its specifi c physiological roles with different energetic demands, and therefore, would be expected to exhibit a unique acyl-CoA profi le. The heart preferentially utilizes fatty acids to meet the ATP demand of mechanical contraction. Glucose and/or ketone bodies serve as the primary substrate of the brain for energy