A compressor is an indispensable component of marine large two-stroke diesel engines. For this type of engine, the compressor mass flow rate and isentropic efficiency empirical models are preferred for both the working cycle dynamic simulation research and the design and testing of control and diagnostics algorithms due to their compact and simple structures, and satisfactory prediction accuracy. Due to absence of comprehensive applicable and comparative research on compressor mass flow rate and isentropic efficiency empirical models for large-scale marine compressors in the literature, two marine compressors with different size, flow rate range, and speed range were selected as research objects in this paper, and a relevant study was conducted to compare and analyze the prediction ability of several classical models, and some recently proposed compressor mass flow rate and isentropic efficiency empirical models. The range of this comparative study includes the prediction accuracy in the design operating area and the extrapolation ability in off-design operating areas. Based on the obtained research results, several guidelines are summarized, which can be followed when developing compressor mathematical models, especially for marine applications. In addition, several research interests are discussed and presented, which can be further studied in the future.