Background. Web-based education programs are essential in every field of learning, and in nursing coursework, they can contribute towards behavioral development. It is found that emerging approach of web-based nursing programs is overpowering the traditional education methods and provides flexibility in learning and training programs. Therefore, it is considered as a promising medium of learning which can take over the traditional methods because of its effectiveness. Objective. A systematic review and meta-analysis was performed for analysis of efficiency and effectiveness of web-based nursing education. This study is aimed at evaluating the evidences which evaluate the effectiveness of the web-based nursing education programs. Material and Methods. Studies were selected from 2008 to 2020 available from various global databases like PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, ProQuest, and Cochrane Library. Results. Five studies were selected for analysis where the results demonstrated no significant difference in the effectiveness of use of web-based nursing educational programs. Conclusion. More evidences are required for supporting the efficiency and effectiveness of use of web-based programs for nursing education. Hence, more research is required for evaluating the length of nursing education, evaluating practice-based clinical aspects like success ratio for outcomes of study, type of patients handled, and severity of cases handled for better outcomes.