The development of Diglyphus isaea (Walker), a parasitoid of leafminers, was studied under laboratory conditions at seven constant temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40°C) on Liriomyza sativae Blanchard reared on cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). The total development period (oviposition to adult emergence) decreased with increasing temperature between 15 and 35°C. In 10 and 40°C no development rate was found in D. isaea, so that it may be claimed that these temperatures fall outside the temperature range for development. Linear regression was used to describe the relationship between development rate and temperature. For egg to adult development, males of D. isaea required 153.8 degree-days (DD) above the theoretical threshold of 9.2°C and females required 161.3 DD above 9.4°C. Data were fitted to four nonlinear temperature-dependent models. Evaluation of the models took place based on the following criteria: fit to data, number and biological value of the fitted coefficient, and accuracy on the estimation of the thresholds. It could be concluded that the Briere-1 and Briere-2 models are suitable for estimating the minimum, maximum and optimal temperature thresholds of D. isaea. Thermal requirements and temperature thresholds can be used to predict the occurrence, number of generations and population dynamics of D. isaea.