Purpose: Prejudice and discrimination have been associated with mental and physical health disparities among people with disabilities (Emerson, 2010) and sexual minorities (American Psychological Association [APA], 2012b). Subtle everyday communications of prejudice, known as microaggressions, are one form of oppressive experience that contribute to minority stress among these groups. As sexual minority people with disabilities (SMPWDs) embody at least two marginalized statuses, they may face unique levels of risk. While social support has been posited to buffer against the negative effects of minority stress (Meyer, 2003), the relationship between microaggressions and perceived social support is currently unknown. This study is among the first to explore the relationship between microaggressions and social support in a multiply marginalized community. Research Method: One-hundred and 92 sexual minority (i.e., bisexual, gay, lesbian, pansexual, queer, questioning, same-sex/gender attracted) participants with physical disabilities completed measures related to microaggressions, social support, and mental health via an online survey. Results: Results suggest that for SMPWDs, greater ableist microaggressions within sexual minority communities were associated with lower satisfaction with LGBTQ social supports. In addition, ableist and homonegative microaggressions within sexual minority and disability communities, respectively, were related to greater depressive symptoms. Social support was not found to moderate the relationship between microaggressions and mental health. Implications: Implications for practice, training, advocacy, and future research are discussed, such as raising critical consciousness about microaggressions and mental health, using an intersectional framework when working with SMPWDs, engaging in inclusive advocacy toward policy change, and future studies on microaggressions and social support using diverse samples.
Impact and ImplicationsThis study is among the first to examine the relationship between microaggressions and social support. The results of this study highlight interpersonal barriers to supportive relationships for SMPWDs within sexual minority communities, and emphasize the need for increased advocacy toward full inclusion of SMPWDs within sexual minority and disability communities. Providers are encouraged to take a nonpathologizing stance with SMPWDs by focusing on raising critical consciousness about microaggressions and their relationship with mental health. Within-group differences, such as based on disability severity, should also be considered in treatment. Use of an intersectional framework is important when working with SMPWDs, and providers should explore experiences within various communities when assessing social support. Providers should use their expertise to intervene at a broader level to influence how SMPWDs are perceived and treated. Providers are encouraged to increase awareness of their own biases, take risks to address microaggressions, and advocate at the insti...