Objective: The aim of this study was to develop and validate a nutrition knowledge questionnaire in a $$" sample of French Canadians from the province of Quebec, taking into account dietary guidelines.
$%"Design: A 38-item questionnaire was developed by the research team and evaluated for content validityby an expert panel, and then administered to respondents. Face validity and construct validity were $'" measured in a pretest. Exploratory factor analysis and covariance structure analysis were performed to $(" verify the structure of the questionnaire and identify problematic items. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability were evaluated through a validation study.
$*"Setting: Online survey
%+"Subjects: Six nutrition and psychology experts, fifteen registered dietitians (RDs) and 180 lay people %!" participated in the study.
%#"Results: Content validity evaluation resulted in the removal of two items and reformulation of one item.
%$"Following face validity, one item was reformulated. Construct validity was found to be adequate, with
%%"higher scores for RDs when compared non-RDs (21.5/24 (SD=2.1) vs 15.7/24 (SD=3.0), p<0.001).
%&"Exploratory factor analysis revealed that the questionnaire contained only one factor. Covariance %'" structure analysis led to removal of 16 items. Internal consistency for the overall questionnaire was %(" adequate (Cronbach alpha coefficient = 0.73). Assessment of test-retest reliability resulted in %)" significant associations for the total knowledge score (r=0.59, p<0.001).