This paper aims to analyze the development of distance education as a factor that contributes to the stability and continuity of education in Ukraine. The main principles of successful management of distance education within the continuous education system are outlined. Additionally, Ukrainian legislation regarding different aspects of distance learning is analyzed. It is stressed that technical requirements for distance education in educational institutions must include hardware and technology facilities, high-speed information and communication resources, general and specialized software, technical support, and digital educational resources that align with the curriculum. The advantages and disadvantages of implementing distance education in Ukraine are highlighted. Statistical data regarding the number of students and educators abroad, and the functioning of institutions offering educational services to internally displaced persons, as well as in temporarily occupied territories, are analyzed. Attention is drawn to the importance of continual improvement of the distance education system across different education levels. The optimal use of distance education can be achieved by combining both traditional and innovative methods. Significant focus is given to modernizing and further developing distance education systems, considering their life cycle stages and the interconnection of informational infrastructure components. Directions for developing distance education in Ukraine involve establishing favourable conditions for using information and communication technologies, refining legislative norms relevant to this form of education, and enhancing the professional level of individuals obtaining education through distance learning. Distance education in Ukraine serves three primary purposes: firstly, it is regarded as an integral component in maintaining educational stability during crisis situations; secondly, technological advancement has facilitated the expansion of distance education, though access remains unequal for various social groups and regions; and thirdly, the implementation of distance education requires a revision of teaching and learning methods, potentially enhancing the overall quality of education. Ensuring the stability of distance education in Ukraine is particularly important and necessitates the provision of proper infrastructure, regulatory measures, and individual student needs consideration.