Recently, solid-state pulsed power modulators (SSPPMs) are widely used in pulsed power applications. Due to the relatively low rated voltage and rated current of semiconductor switches, a single SSPPM usually consists of hundreds of power switches which work at different voltage potentials. Therefore, the synchronous and isolated driving of so many switches is a very challenging task in the design of SSPPMs. Here, a very simple but powerful synchronous drive circuit with current limitation is proposed for a solid-state Marx generator. It spares the use of isolated power supply for drives, and the negative bias voltage enhances the electromagnetic compatibility. Moreover, the proposed circuit can flexibly change the value of clamped current according to practical requirements. This drive circuit can be utilised in other types of SSPPMs. The operation principle i.e. the design concept of the pulsed power system is given in detail and the feasibility is verified experimentally.