High voltage impulse is one of the means used in a variety of insulating materials testing. It causes also discharge, generally as visualization of lightning strikes. This research aimed to design a prototype of miniature current discharge pulse generation with various burdens. The alternating low voltage was rectified first and multiplied by using the modified Cockroft-Walton voltage multiplier. The yielded output voltage was a d.c. high voltage, which subsequently entered the pulse generator circuit, penetrating the sphere gap, after filling the charge on the first capacitor and then fill in the second capacitor. The shape of the output pulse current was tapped by using a resistive voltage divider. Thus, the various pulse current waveforms could be measured and recorded by a storage digital oscilloscope. Almost first discharge were occurred in around from 1 s to 2 s. The waveforms with the pure resistive burdens would trend to be symmetrical to almost on positive parts. On the other hand, the waveforms with the resistive and capacitive dominated burdens would be shorter, i.e. around 16.8 s, than those resistive dominated burdens. The wave frequency response of discharge on the capacitive dominated burdens would more declivous or prevalent than those on the resistive dominated burdens. The latter characteristics were indicated by the specific capacitive dominated property. The capacitive property that store charge was expected as cause the latter characteristics. The dominated capacitive existence made the repetitive discharge would be shorter than those the dominated resistive existence.