“…The QuickSort, which was only administered to the Prospective-inpatient group ( n = 76), required participants to sort nine cards by color, shape and number within a maximum of six trials. The QuickSort manual, stimuli and psychometric properties are published elsewhere (Foran et al, 2021). Total scores (range: 0–18) were calculated by summing: (1) a “Sorting” score, which aggregated the number of correct sorts (0 = correct without prompt; 1 = prompted, but correct; 2 = incorrect), sorting errors (repetition, set-loss, grouping or completion errors) and verbal prompts (range: 0–12); and (2) an “Explanation” score, which assessed the ability to verbalize the reason for the correct sort (0 = incorrect; 1 = concrete; 2 = correct, range: 0–6).…”