, "Review of recent progress toward a fiberless, whole-scalp diffuse optical tomography system," Neurophoton. 5(1), 011012 (2017), doi: 10.1117/1.NPh.5.1.011012. Abstract. The development of a whole-scalp, high sampling-density diffuse optical tomography (DOT) system is a critical next step in the evolution of the field of diffuse optics. To achieve this with optical fiber bundles is extremely challenging, simply because of the sheer number of bundles required, and the associated challenges of weight and ergonomics. Dispensing with optical fiber bundles and moving to head-mounted optoelectronics can potentially facilitate the advent of a new generation of wearable, whole-scalp technologies that will open up a range of new experimental and clinical applications for diffuse optical measurements. Here, we present a concise review of the significant progress that has been made toward achieving a wearable, fiberless, high-density, wholescalp DOT system. We identify the key limitations of current technologies and discuss the possible opportunities for future development.