The paper is devoted to the development of an electronic educational system for an engineering discipline that includes adapted educational material taking into account the distinctive features of each student.The novelty of the proposed approach is the organization of the adaptation process based on using the concept of a student's status reflecting the knowledge proficiency level regarding the discipline and the formation of student's personal characteristics. The process consists in selecting the optimal version of the material that corresponds to the individual characteristics of a student as much as possible.An expert system based on an odd model of knowledge representation is used as a tool for determining the status of a student. During the expert system operation, the characteristic is compared with the rules of fuzzy knowledge base products. The Mamdani algorithm is used as the fuzzy inference algorithm.Based on the proposed algorithm, an adaptive training system has been developed to teach technical discipline to students and future IT specialists.Implementation of the proposed adapted system makes it possible to implement individual educational trajectories for each student and to form a personal space of educational content that adjusts to its level of material assimilation and personal qualities.