The evolution of Chemical Engineering imposes a unique challenge to the design of adequate modules in the laboratories. In this article we present a novel experimental module that we have designed and are currently implementing in the Chemical Engineering laboratory. The module includes topics of colloids, complex fluids and biotechnology, while also giving more emphasis to molecular interactions. The final objective of the long-term project is the extraction of lysozyme from egg white using Aqueous Bi-Phasic Systems. The project is divided between engineering teams in three phases: bench-scale experiments, the unit operation and the final extraction and scale-up calculations. Our focus is to implement a module that mimics the continuity of real engineering projects through the use of a sequence of sub-projects that are assigned to different groups in the class. The design of the long-term project forces students to deal with the various degrees of uncertainty that are associated with realistic open-ended problems. The approach is intended to provide a platform to teach and evaluate for an additional set of "soft" skills. These important skills include leadership, composure under uncertainty, critical thinking, creativity, group work, task division, time management, literature searches and forward thinking. We believe that the introduction of high degrees of uncertainty into the laboratory serves as a tool to prepare the students for a rapidly changing industrial world.