“…Background is one limitation of radiometric measurement sensitivity (others include sample size, counting efficiency, and count time). The development of low background liquid scintillation counters is described elsewhere [1,8], though it suffices to note the major steps in reducing the rate of unwanted background events include: (1) Passive shielding of the LSC vial and scintillation cocktail from radioactivity naturally found in the construction materials of the laboratory, typically achieved through use of lead to attenuate gamma rays from naturally occurring radioactive isotopes; (2) Dual or multiple photon detection units operated in coincidence to reduce the number of false events not attributed to real scintillation light produced within the sample vial; (3) Anti-coincidence detectors to veto (exclude) events generated in the LSC vial and scintillation cocktail due to the interaction of secondary cosmic ray induced particles (muons, protons, and neutrons); (4) A number of post-data collection techniques employing analysis energy windows, pulse-based a/b discrimination, and other features to effectively reduce the background rate of unwanted events in the region of interest for the scintillation measurement. While this list is presented in broadbrush and is explicitly not all-inclusive, items (1)- (3) are all amenable to individual improvement.…”