The next generation lunar reflector (NGLR) experiment is one of the experiments selected by NASA in the framework of the commercial lunar payload services (CLPS) initiative. The experiment, inspired by the lunar laser ranging (LLR) experiments of the Apollo era, is basically a single cube corner reflector (CCR) capable of reflecting a beam coming from a laser station on Earth that must be deployed on the Moon and pointed toward the mean Earth direction. In this work, a prototype of an actuator for the lock and release system of the reflector package was conceived, built, and tested in laboratory conditions. Since the entire pointing system must be passive, the actuator is designed to be operated by an SMA spring actuated by the thermal radiation of the Sun and regolith on the Moon. In lab conditions, the prototype, activated by a heat gun, showed the capability of the SMA spring to operate a lock and release pin, whose diameter is 4 mm, subjected to a preload of F = 7 N exerted by the releasing spring.