The results of isothermally conducted reduction tests on the calcium ferrites CF 2+F (= 20 mol. % CaO), CF2 (= 35 mol. % CaO), CF (= 50 mol. % CaO) and C 2F (= 66.7 mol. % CaO) with CO/C02-bearing gases of changing composition in the temperature range between 700 and 1100°c lead both to a plot of the specimen's weight loss as a function of the test duration with the reduction potential CO~of the Professor (em.) Dr-Ing, Eberhard Schiirmann, Institut fur Eisenhiittenkunde und Giebereiwesen, TV Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld; Dr-Ing, Urban Janhsen, Abteilungsleiter, Forschung Hochofenmetallurgie, Thyssen Stahl AG, Duisburg, Germany. steel research 64 (1993) No. 7