We study the low temperature properties of the triangular-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet with a mean field Schwinger spin-1 2 boson scheme that reproduces quantitatively the zero temperature energy spectrum derived previously using series expansions. By analyzing the spin-spin and the boson density-density dynamical structure factors, we identify the unphysical spin excitations that come from the relaxation of the local constraint on bosons. This allows us to reconstruct a free energy based on the physical excitations only, whose predictions for entropy and uniform susceptibility seem to be reliable within the temperature range 0 T 0.3J , which is difficult to access by other methods. The high values of entropy, also found in high temperature expansion studies, can be attributed to the roton-like narrowed dispersion at finite temperatures. of several numerical techniques [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] was crucial to elucidate that the zero point quantum fluctuations in this particular system are not enough to destroy the classical 120 • Néel order, lending support to a simple semiclassical description at low temperatures such as that provided by linear spin wave theory (LSWT) [12].Nonetheless, early high temperature expansion (HTE) studies [6] performed down to low temperatures showed no evidence of a renormalized classical behavior as predicted by the nonlinear sigma model (NLσ M) [13,14]. For instance, around T = 0.25J , the correlation length calculated by HTE is only ξ ∼ 1.5 lattice constants, in contrast to the value ξ ∼ 12 predicted by NLσ M [6,10]. Consistent with these values, the entropy calculated by HTE was one order of magnitude larger than that of the NLσ M. These early results were interpreted as a probable crossover between renormalized classical and quantum critical regimes [15].Unexpectedly, series expansion (SE) studies [10,16] performed at zero temperature also showed a strong downward renormalization of the high energy part of the spectrum with respect to LSWT, along with the appearance of roton-like minima at the midpoints of the edges of the hexagonal Brillouin zone (BZ). Originally, the presence of such roton-like excitations were proposed to be related to possible fermionic spinon excitations which in turn would lead to the anomalous low temperature properties of the THM [10]. However, subsequent works showed that nontrivial 1/S corrections, arising from the noncollinearity of the 120 • Néel order, accurately recovers the T = 0 SE results [17][18][19]. This gave support to an interacting magnon picture for the spectrum, although it was found that the magnon-quasiparticles are not well defined for a significant part of the BZ [18,19]. Nevertheless, by assuming a bosonic character for the SE dispersion relation, the high values of entropy found at low temperature was attributed to the thermal excitation of rotons, even at temperatures below the roton gap [10].Here we explore the low temperature properties of THM from an alternative viewpoint: a bosonic spinon perspective, based on the Sch...