SwedenGlow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GD-OES) as a depth profiling teohnique is briefly reviewed, The quantification technique based on emission yields, defin8d as the analytical signal per unit weight of the analyte, is described. Current standardisation work on applications to zinc and aluminium based metallic ooatings is reviewed. Recent work on non-conduotive applications using radio frequency (RF) sources is presented. It is shown that practioal possibilities to determine disoharge parameters exist, but is more complex to use than for the DC source. Furthermore, the strong influence of hydrogen on emission yields is demonstrated. A "matnx correction" technique to deal with this probl8m is discussed. It is also shown that in spite of all the corrective measures, there still exist artefacts not completely understood, making it neoessary to do "matrix-matched" calibrations for certain applications. For thin film applications, it is demonstrated that state-of-the-art GD-OES system8 are capable of a depth resolution similar to e.g. SIMS and AES. For quantifioation of very thin layers, the hydrogen corr80tion must be considered, In addition, it is shown that short-lived molecular emission oan influence the analyiioal results. A method to deal with this effect is presented and discussed,