“…Of these, I? were produced during the 5-year resea rch project entitled i)evelopment of a Taxonomy of Human Performance " and conducted by the American Institutes for Research (Cha mber s, 1969;Farina, 1969;Farina & Wheaton , 1971;Fleishm an, l%7a, l%7tẼ leis hman , Kinkade , & Chamber s , 1968;Fleishm an & Stephenson , 1970;Fleishman, Teic lwie r , & Stephenson , 1970;Levi ne , Rom ash ko, & Fleishman, 197 1, 1973;Levine & teic hner, 1971;Miller , l971a , 197lb Teictmer & Whitehead, 1971;Theologus & Fleishman, 1971 ;Theologu s, R omashko, & Fleishman, 1970;Wheaton , 1968). Other author s concerned with the development of class ifica tory methods for perf orma nce measurement , task analysi s , and occupational data include Bergum (1966) Reed (1967), Riccobono andCunningham (l97 1~~ 1971b), Silverman (1967), and Wile y (l~73).…”