Studded footwear has previously caused a number of severe laceration injuries in rugby union. Current test methods for assessing the laceration injury risk of rugby stud designs are unrepresentative of the game and are not mandatory for manufacturers to follow. The aim of this project was to develop a new, game-representative test method to assess the laceration injury risk of stud designs used in rugby union. First, the prevalence of skin and laceration injuries in rugby union was assessed through a systematic literature review of epidemiological studies. It was found that 2.4 skin injuries occurred per 1000 match hours, which could be interpreted as one time-loss injury per team, per season. Throughout this project I have been lucky enough to have met and been supported by a great number of people. I would first like to thank my supervisors, Dr David James, Dr Heather Driscoll and Dr Marcus Dunn for their support and patience over the last three years. Dave, thank you for making time for me when I needed it and for helping me focus on the end goal. Heather, without your enthusiasm for this project I would not have written this thesis today. Thank you for your wisdom and honest advice throughout the years. And Marcus, thank you for critically challenging me, which has led me to become a better researcher. I would like to give a special mention to Terry Senior, who tolerated me in his workshop for months on end to build our test rig. Me, and the rest of the PhD students, also want to thank you for the never ending (mental) support you give us. My PhD colleagues have been an amazing help throughout this project. Thank you for providing your assistance with experiments, for engaging in discussions on topics I felt stuck on and for providing a great community to work in. I would like to thank my friends, in the UK and in the Netherlands, for listening to my rambles on laceration injuries and for taking me out into the real world when it was most needed. For our old friendships that had to withstand the test of time and distance, and for the new ones that have so kindly adopted me here in your country. I would especially like to thank my boyfriend, Alan, for his patience and his ability to put up with me. And finally, my lovely family: Mam, Pap en Youp. Jullie hebben me altijd vertrouwd en en het beste met me voor gehad. Zelfs als dit betekent dat ik aan de andere kant van het kanaal ging wonen. Ik ben jullie daar eeuwig dankbaar voor! V