This paper addresses the beginning of toxicokinetics in Spain by the group of Prof. Bartolomé Ribas in the 60s of the last century, as well as the interdisciplinary collaboration that occurs between academics of the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy (RANF) and more specifically with the group of Prof. Rafael Cadórniga, who was a pioneer of Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics studies in Spain. This scientific collaboration is a magnificent example of interdisciplinary work between academics as well as the strong interrelationship between toxicokinetics and pharmacokinetics. The work also develops the concepts, methods and advances in toxicokinetics, focusing on analytical methods for the determination of very low concentrations of toxic substances in the animal and human organism, multicompartmental models, physiologically based toxicokinetic models (PBTK), toxicokinetic / toxicodynamic models (TX / TD), population models, Bayesian methods in toxicokinetics as well as the future of this discipline also based on the use of methodologies based on artificial intelligence. Currently, toxicokinetics plays a fundamental role in the development of new medicines, as well as in the evaluation of food safety and environmental risks.
Keywords: toxicokinetics; pharmacokinetics; ranf; academic collaboration