The quality of experiential education for pharmacists‐in‐training is heavily impacted by the habits of their preceptors. Assessment of preceptor capabilities and evidence of development has been limited due to the absence of a tool to meaningfully facilitate preceptor assessment in a robust and progressive fashion.
The primary objective was to determine the change in perceived precepting behavior and abilities of residents and preceptors enrolled in a teaching and learning curriculum (TLC) using a self‐directed assessment seeking (SDAS) approach via the Habits of Preceptors Rubric (HOP‐R).
Pharmacists enrolled in the 2018 to 2019 cohort of the Clinician Educators Program (CEP) TLC were invited to assess their precepting habits using the HOP‐R after attending the first seminar and again toward the end of the longitudinal 12‐month program using a SDAS approach. Using online surveys, participants rated their precepting capabilities as developing, proficient, accomplished, or master level for each of the 11 preceptor habits within the HOP‐R. The change in their self‐reported ratings was evaluated.
The response rate for participants completing both the initial and follow‐up surveys was 56% (52/93). When comparing matched responses, the difference in self‐reported habit level ratings was statistically significant. The overwhelming majority of participants, 94%, reported advancement in one or more habits, with 60% reporting advancement in six or more habits while enrolled in the CEP.
Preceptor and resident pharmacists reported advancement of precepting capabilities within the conceptual framework of the HOP‐R while enrolled in a TLC. The SDAS approach yielded participant comments showcasing the perceived value of completing the criterion‐referenced HOP‐R assessment to foster self‐awareness and self‐efficacy related to precepting and preceptor development. The HOP‐R can be utilized within TLC to allow participants to assess precepting habits and show growth and development of their capabilities over time both individually and in aggregate.