This paper presents a critical development to a prototype sensor that is capable of measuring total air temperature and humidity in a mixed-phase environment, consisting of liquid water droplets and ice crystals. The sensor has fast and stable measurement response under particularly challenging mixed-phase conditions. Total temperature and humidity levels measured with the probe are in good agreement with the results of analytical energy and moisture balances.
NomenclatureC p = Specific heat capacity E = Energy h = Enthalpy IWC = Ice-water concentration (ice flow rate/total volume airflow) ICD = Inter compressor duct LWC = Liquid water content (mass of water/volume of air) ̇ = Mass flow Ma = Freestream Mach number MVD = Median volume diameter P = Static pressure = Vapor pressure of water P 0 = Stagnation pressure PSI = Pound per square inch RH = Relative humidity SH = Specific humidity (also known as mixing ratio) TAT = Total air temperature T = Static air temperature T wb = Wet bulb temperature T 0 = Stagnation temperature Subscripts a = Air m = At the spray mast t = In the test section v = Vapor w = Water wbs = Wet bulb temperature at static conditions 1 = Prior to water flow initiation 2 = Following water flow initiation and sensor stabilization