A 1D air-sea interactive model that couples an atmospheric column model with a slab ocean model was introduced. The model simulated an exact balance between radiative cooling and convective heating in the free troposphere. Within the planet boundary layer, the turbulent mixing produces cooling in the upper part and warming in the lower part, which is compensated by radiative and convective heating together. The model was then used to explore the equilibrium response of sea surface temperature (SST) and precipitation to carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and aerosol forcing changes. Results show a warming or cooling signal owning to increased CO 2 or aerosols can be well captured by the ocean, leading to an increasing or decreasing of the SST, and hence the precipitation. Cutting off the interactions between atmosphere and ocean however renders different results. By applying the relaxed weak temperature gradient (WTG) approximation, the local response to aerosol forcing perturbations was investigated, which was shown to be largely different from the global response in spite of the same forcing. To understand the nonlinear interactions among different forcings, the equilibrium responses to multiple combinations of CO 2 and aerosol forcings are analyzed.