-Dinoflagellates produce many toxic substances throughout the world.Some of these poisons get into human food through the marine food chain to edible shellfish and fish and cause diseases such as paralytic shellfish poisoning and ciguatera poisoning. The structures of two poisons that cause paralysis have been determined and are (a) saxitoxin, the major toxin produced by Gonyaulax catenella and found inCalifornia sea mussels and Alaska butter clams and (b) ll-hydroxysaxitoxin sulfate, the major poison produced by Gonyaulax tamarensis and found in scallops and clams along the New England coast and the Bay of Fundy. These extremely poisonous substances cause paralysis by blocking the passage of sodium ions through nerve and muscle cell membranes. They are quite heat stable at ordinary cooking temperatures, making the food poisoning problem more acute. Poisons from other dinoflagellates produce ciguatoxin and maitotoxin which arebelieved to cause ciguatera poisoning. Another poison causes liver and kidney degeneration. These poisons have been partially characterized..