The enzymatic conversiono fc arbonyl sulfide (COS) to hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) by carbonic anhydrase has been used to develops elf-immolatingt hiocarbamates as COS-based H 2 Sd onors to furthere lucidatet he impact of reactive sulfur speciesi nb iology.T he highm odularity of this approach has providedalibrary of COS-based H 2 Sd onors that can be activated by specific stimuli.Acommonl imitation, however,i st hat many such donors result in the formation of an electrophilic quinone methide byproduct during donor activation. As am ilda lternative, we demonstrate here that dithiasuccinoyl groups can function as COS/H 2 Sd onor motifs, and that these groups release two equivalents of COS/H 2 Sa nd uncage an amine payload under physiologically relevant conditions. Additionally,w ed emonstrate that COS/H 2 Sr elease from this donorm otif can be altered by electronic modulationa nd alkyl substitution. These insights are further supported by DFT investigations,w hich reveal that aryl and alkyl thiocarbamates releaseC OS with significantly different activation energies.[a] M.[**] Ap revious versiono ft his manuscript has been deposited on ap reprint server ( information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: https://doi.Figure 4. Potential energy surface for COS release from PhDTS and AlkylDTS compounds. Calculations were performedusing Gaussian 09 at the B3LYP/6-311 ++G(d,p)l evel of theory applying the IEF-PCM water solvation model. MeSH was used as the thiol nucleophile to simplify accessibleprotonation states of non-participating functional groupso nt he thiol nucleophile.