A sharp pulsed-neutron beam, which has narrow width and large attenuation, will enhance ability to separate peak position diffracted from crystal structure in time-of-flight measurement method. Traditional technique to satisfy the request above is to use Boron for decoupling higher cut-off energy. Disadvantage, however, will be an excess formation of He bubbles and large heat deposition in the materials as a result of (n,α) reaction, particularly in a MW class of neutron source. Alternative is to use a material combination of Ag-In-Cd, which has different energies for resonance absorption and often used in the control rod of pressurized water reactors with cladding stainless steel. For application of this material to pulsed-neutron source a challenge is to make sandwiches structure with Al alloy because a moderator is made of this material from points of views of heat removing. Technically hot isostatic pressing was a choice and devoted to realize a bonding strength through R&Ds. Final product was set up to MLF /J-PARC and a successful resolution was observed in a powder diffractometer.