Summary. Investigation purposes – to analyze a structure of acute poisonings in the city of Ryazan in 2016-2021; to identify a summary dynamic of poisonings and poisonings classified according to separated toxicants, as well as sex characteristics. Materials and methods of the investigation. Investigation materials – maps of ambulance crew calls in the city of Ryazan in 2016-2021. Investigation results and their analysis. An analysis of statistic data collected in 2016-2021 showed a derision of ambulance calls for victims with acute poisonings. In Ryazan, as well as in Russia at all, alcohol poisonings and toxic spirits poisonings prevailed. On the second position there were medicines poisonings, on the third there were different fumes, chlorine vapors, carbon dioxide methane and others vapors. Among medicines poisonings a psychotropic, anticonvulsant, sedative and hypnotic medicines poisonings prevailed. Among the patients males prevailed primary because of alcohol and toxic spirts poisonings as well as drugs and psychodysleptics poisonings. In 2016-2021 proportion of lethal outcomes caused by acute poisonings was 0,1% in pre-hospital period and didn’t have tendency to increase. Patients were hospitalized to medical treatment organizations in 57,5% of cases. Data on the spread and dynamic of acute poisonings allow to determine linkers for organization measures in a context of urgent medical treatment provision in pre-hospital period.