Porous materials with wett-defined pore shapes, sizes and distributions are highly desired in many emerging applications, particularly for biomédical materiats and devices. However, conventionat methods for processing porous materiats only demonstrated limited capability in morphological control. One promising solution is the porogen templating process, where a structured porogen pattern is created first and subsequently used as a template or mold for generation of the desired porous material. Particularly, with solid freeform fabrication, porogen temptates having complex internal structures can be additivety fabricated, and they can then be used as motdsfor motding of porous materiats and devices. This articte attempts to offer a constructive overview on the state of the art of porogen patterning and inverse motding, with the goat of exptaining the working mechanisms and providing unbiased accounts of the pros and cons of existing techniques and process variants. The article further intends to provide a fundamental understanding of the constituent elements and corresponding building blocks in porogen templating processes. An increased understanding of these elements will facilitate the development of more capable new processes.