N-epsilon-carboxymethyllysine (CML), as a potential glycotoxin and general marker for dietary advanced glycation end products (dAGEs), exists in raw food and is formed via various formation routes in food processing such as Maillard reaction between the reducing sugars and amino acids. Although comprehensive cause-effect proof is not available yet, current research suggests a potential risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes is associated with exogenous CML. Thus, CML is causing public health concerns regarding its dietary exposure, but there is a lack of explicit guidance for understanding if it is detrimental to human health. In this review, inconsistent results of dietary CML contributed to chronic disease are discussed, available concentrations of CML in consumed foods are evaluated, measurements for dietary CML and relevant analytic procedures are listed, and the possible mitigation strategies for protecting against CML formation are presented. Finally, the main challenges and future efforts are highlighted. Further studies are needed to extend the dietary CML database in a wide category of foods, apply new identifying methods, elucidate the pathogenic mechanisms, assess its detrimental role in human health, and propose standard guidelines for processed food.