Educational tourism is one type of niche branch of many kindsof tourism. Campus tours or university tours are one of the activities that areoften favored by school-age children to experience interactive life on campus or get inspiration to continue their studies, in other words, universities are one of the attractions of tourist demand. Bogor City is one of the popular tourist destinations that is located close to the capital city of DKI Jakarta and has one of the best campuses in Indonesia, namely IPB University. IPB University itself which is located in sub urban area of Bogoralready has tour programs. However, Vocational School of IPB University does not have a tour program yet. This study aims to develop an educationaltourism program at the Vocational School because of its strategic location in the center of Bogor City. This study uses descriptive methods and spatialanalysis, which brought in 130 respondents to follow the tour design that hasbeen made. There are different programs that are adjusted to the characteristics of the tour participants. The challenge in implementing tourson campus is not only communication between the dean or heads of department but also between the committee and field officers on duty in thelaboratory.