This study aimed to convert underutilized moso bamboo into high-value added products such as fences, interior materials, lighting fixtures, and accessories. Green moso bamboo poles with a diameter of approximately 10 cm and a length of approximately 3.7 m were heat treated at 140℃ using a large-scale kiln. The processing time was meticulously adjusted through various stages, including pretreatment (6-8 hours at 60℃), cooking (8-10 hours at 100℃), steaming (26-30 hours at 120℃), heating (4-6 hours at 140℃), and finally, cooling (below 80℃). A meticulously designed heat treatment process has enabled efficient mass production of moso bamboo poles with improved qualities, including minimal splitting, moisture levels below 3%, and a specific gravity of 1.05. The focus of this study was to present the physical and drying properties, such as color, dimensional change, specific gravity, moisture content, and splitting, observed during the heat treatment process.