As a passive containment cooling system (PCCS), which is adopted in simplified BWRs, several concepts, differing in cooling location and method, such as the suppression chamber water wall, the drywell water wall, the isolation condenser (1/C) and the drywell cooler, have been considered. This paper summarizes the characteristics of each PCCS concept, and the analysis results of the performance for several PCCSs during a main steam line break LOCA for a reference simplified BWR plant, obtained by the newly developed containment thermalhydraulic response analysis code TOSP AC.The performance comparison suggests that I/C and drywell cooler have good heat removal capability with regard to the smallest heat transfer area among PCCS concepts evaluated in the present analysis. 1/C removes decay heat efficiently, since it absorbs steam directly from the reactor pressure vessel, which is the hottest portion inside the containment. The suppression chamber water wall is ineffective, mainly due to high non-condensable gas partial pressure in the suppression chamber, and low suppression pool temperature.Calculations of other pipe breaks were also implemented for the reference plant adopting 1/C as PCCS. The results show the effectiveness of the 1/C cooling over a wide range of break spectra.