Tarigan S, Sumarningsih. 2014. Production and purification of streptavidin with higher biotin-binding activity. JITV 19(3): 231-238. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14334/jitv.v19i3.1086The objective of this study was to develop practical, efficient method for production, purification and assay of binding activity of streptavidin. Streptomyces avidinii was first propagated on agar plates, the bacterial cells on the agar were scrapped and suspended in a defined synthetic media (4.4 ml/cm 2 ). After 7 days agitation on a rotary shaker (200 rpm/min) at room temprature (≈28°C), the bacterial cells in the culture were pelleted. The culture supernatant was concentrated to 1/62 original volume with 75% saturation ammonium sulphate. After intensive dialysis against ammonium carbonate buffer pH 11, the suspension was loaded into an iminobiotin agarose column chromatography. The adsorbed protein (streptavidin) was eluted with sodium acetate buffer, pH 4, and the eluate was concentrated with an ultrafiltration divice and suspended in PBS. The strepatavidin-binding activity was assayed by a competitive ELISA, a competition between streptavidin in the sample and the HRP-streptavidin conjugate for the biotin (biotinyl IgG) immobilised on wells of a microtitre plate. The detection limit of this assay measured 0.16 µg/ml streptavidin. The method developed in this study produced 160 µg/ml streptavidin in the culture supernatant. After concentration with the ammonium sulphate, the streptavidin concentration increased to 4 mg/ml (69% recovery). At the final step of purification, streptavidin with 10 mg/ml concentration was obtained. The purity of the streptavidin was higher (95%) with a recovary of 19%. The purified streptavidin in this study appeared as a dimer core streptavidin on SDS PAGE and its binding activity was twice as high as that of a commercial one. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan teknik produksi, purifikasi dan pengukuran streptavidin yang efisien dan praktis. Streptomyces avidinii mula-mula dipropagasi dalam lempeng agar kemudian sel bakteri dari agar dipindahkan kedalam media cair sintetik (4,4 ml/cm 2 ). Setelah 7 hari diagitasi diatas rotary shaker 200 rpm/min pada suhu ruangan (≈28°C), sel bakteri dipeletkan, supernatan dikonsentrasikan menjadi 1/62 volume awal dengan amonium sulfat saturasi 75%. Setelah didialisis dalam larutan amonium carbonat pH 11, suspensi protein diadsorbsikan kedalam kolom iminobiotin agarose. Protein (streptavidin) yang teradsorbsi dielusi dengan larutan sodium asetat pH 4, eluat dikonsentrasikan dengan ultrafiltrasi dan disuspensikan dalam PBS. Pengukuran aktivitas binding streptavidin dilakukan dengan ELISA kompetitif, kompetisi antara streptavidin dalam sampel yang diukur dengan konjugat HRP-streptavidin memperebutkan biotin (IgG biotinil) yang diimobilisasi pada microtitre plate. ELISA ini mempunyai limit deteksi 0.16 µg/ml streptavidin. Metode produksi dan purifikasi yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan 160 µg/ml pada biakan supernatan. Setelah dikonsentrasik...