IntroductionThe heart rate or heart pulse is the speed of the heart beat measured by the number of times the heart pounds per minute, i.e., beats per minute (bpm). Heart rate varies as the body's need to absorb oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide changes during exercise or sleep. This can be used by the medical expert in diagnosis and monitoring the health condition of a Patient [1]. The normal resting adult human heart rate ranges from 60-100 bpm [2]. Heart rate tends to be slower during sleep typically between 40 and 50 which is considered normal and during exercise; it can as well increase above 100.Heart rate varies from person to person [3]. It is also one of the major factors to determine a physically fit person. Slow or high heart rate in resting conditions may pose a threat; slow heart rate can lead to dizziness, blood clotting and an inefficient circulation of blood in the vessel while high heart rate can lead to heart attack.Heart rate indicates the soundness of our heart and helps assessing the condition of cardiovascular system [4]. In clinical environment, heart rate is measured under controlled conditions like blood measurement, heart voice measurement, and Electrocardiogram (ECG) [5,6] but it can be measured in home environment also [7]. Our heart pounds to pump oxygen-rich blood to our muscles and to carry cell waste products away from our muscles. The more we use our muscles, the harder our heart works to perform these tasks-means our heart must beat faster to deliver more blood. A heart rate monitor is simply a device that takes a sample of heartbeats and computes the Beats per Minute (bpm) so that the information can easily be used to track heart condition. There are two types of methods to develop heart monitorselectrical and optical methods. The electrical method has an average error of 1 percent and average cost of $150.00. The optical method has an accuracy rating of 15 percent and an average cost of $20 [5].The average resting human heart rate is about 70 bpm for adult males and 75 bpm for adult females. Heart rate varies significantly between individuals based on fitness, age and genetics. Endure athletes often have very low resting heart rates. Heart rate can be measured by measuring one's pulse. Pulse measurement can be achieved by using specialized medical devices, or by merely pressing one's fingers against an artery (typically on the wrist or the neck). It is generally accepted that listening to heartbeats using a stethoscope, a process known as auscultation, is a more accurate method to measure the heart rate [5]. There are many other methods to measure heart rates like Phonocardiogram (PCG), ECG, blood pressure wave form [4] and pulse meters [8,9] but these methods are clinical and expensive. There are other cost-effective methods that are implemented with sensors as proposed in [10,11] but they are susceptible to noise and movement of subject and artery. It is therefore of a great advantage to have a device that can continuously measure the heart rate of a patient independently, to...