The powder complex of tris(bipyridine)cobalt(II) trifluoromethanesulfonate octahydrate has been synthesized by direct interaction of the corresponding aqueous solutions (and drops of ethanol) of cobalt(II) nitrate, bipyridine, and potassium triflate. The yellow-orange powder produced was filtered off and allowed to dry on an aeration for characterization. AAS measurement showed the content of metal to be 6.06%, corresponding to the theoretical value of 6.06% in [Co(bipy)3](CF3SO3)2•8H2O. The analysis of conductance producing the charge ratio of cation to anion to be 2:1, confirms the formula. The magnetic moment, µeff, of this complex which was to be 4.5-4.9 BM, indicates that the complex is paramagnetic corresponding to the three unpaired electrons with a significantly orbital contribution. UV-Vis spectrum of the complex reveals the first band observed at about 11100 cm -1 , which is associated with the spinallowed transition, 4 T1g → 4 T2g. A distinct shoulder at only about 16100 cm -1 should be associated with the spinforbidden transition of 4 T1g → 2 T2g, 2 T2g (G). The expected second and third bands which are associated with spinallowed transitions of 4 T1g → 4 T1g(P) and 4 T1g → 4 A2g at higher energy were not well resolved. The infrared spectrum shows absorptions of the functional group of ligand which is influenced by the metal-ligand interaction in this complex. The powder XRD of this complex was refined using Le Bail method of Rietica program and found to be fit as monoclinic symmetry with a space group of C2/c. (II) nitrat, bipiridin, dan kalium triflat. Serbuk kuningorange yang terbentuk disaring dan dikeringkan untuk keperluan karakterisasi. Pengukuran AAS yang menunjukkan kandungan logam 6,06%, sesuai dengan nilai teoretis 6,06% pada [Co(bipy)3](CF3SO3)2•8H2O. Analisis daya hantar listrik ekivalen menghasilkan rasio muatan kation/anion 2:1, menegaskan formula tersebut. Momen magnetik, µeff, sebesar 4.5-4.9 BM, menunjukkan kompleks bersifat paramagnetik yang sesuai dengan tiga elektron nir-pasangan dengan kontribusi orbital yang kuat. Spektrum UV-Vis kompleks mengungkap pita pertama pada 11100 cm -1 , yang diasosiasikan dengan transisi spin-terijin, 4 T1g → 4 T2g. Suatu pundak yang sangat jelas pada 16100 cm -1 menunjuk pada transisi spin-terlarang, 4 T1g → 2 T2g, 2 T2g (G). Pita kedua dan ketiga yang diharapkan menunjuk pada transisi spinterijin 4 T1g → 4 T1g(P) dan 4 T1g → 4 A2g pada energi yang lebih tinggi tidak muncul secara jelas. Spektrum infra merah menunjukkan serapan gugus-fungsi khas bagi ligan yang dipengaruhi oleh interaksi logam-ligan. Difraksi sinar-X serbuk kompleks ini yang dianalisis menurut metode Le Bail dalam program Rietica menghasilkan simetri kristal monoklin dengan grup ruang C2/c.
Serbuk kompleks tris(bipiridine)kobalt(II) trifluorometanasulfonat telah berhasil disintesis melalui interaksi langsung larutan air dengan beberapa tetes etanol dari kobalt