We demonstrate electron spin polarization detection and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy using a direct current superconducting quantum interference device (dc-SQUID) magnetometer. Our target electron spin ensemble is directly glued on the dc-SQUID magnetometer that detects electron spin polarization induced by a external magnetic field or EPR in micrometer-sized area. The minimum distinguishable number of polarized spins and sensing volume of the electron spin polarization detection and the EPR spectroscopy are estimated to be ∼10 6 and ∼10 −10 cm 3 (∼0.1 pl), respectively. Electron paramagnetic resonance EPR spectroscopy is a widely-used method to obtain material properties such as the Landé factor of electron spins in various materials 1 . Conventional EPR spectrometers use a microwave cavity as a detector of permeability change induced by electron spin polarization 1 . Recent technological progress in superconducting circuits including Josephson junctions enables us to use these sua) Electronic perconducting devices as a sensitive detector of permeability at low temperatures. Using superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators, EPR spectroscopy of various materials, such as nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers 2 and nitrogen substitution (P1) centers 3 in diamond, chromium doped aluminum oxide 3 , and erbium impurities in yttrium orthosilicate (Y 2 SiO 5 , YSO) 4 has been demonstrated. By hybridizing a superconducting resonator and a superconducting transmon qubit, highly sensitive EPR spectroscopy was also demonstrated 5 . In these devices, coplanar waveguide resonators play the role of detectors of spin polarization 2-4 as the mi-1 arXiv:1511.04832v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]