Objectives. To quantify the increased disease burden caused by US health care sector life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of 614 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents in 2013.Methods. We screened for health damage factors that linked GHG emissions to disease burdens. We selected 5 factors, based on appropriate temporal modeling scales, which reflect a range of possible GHG emissions scenarios. We applied these factors to health care sector emissions.Results. We projected that annual GHG emissions associated with health care in the T he central finding of The Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change, that tackling climate change could be the greatest global health opportunity of the 21st century, resulted in several Commission recommendations to accelerate actions. These included the call for research to quantify disease burden and for health professional leadership to unite all actors behind the common cause of public health.
1The US health care system contributes significantly to country-wide air and water pollution, and hence, to pollution-related health damages.2 US health care activities were responsible for 9% to 10% of national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2013, which occurred both directly from health care facilities and vehicles, and in larger part, indirectly from upstream production of electricity, drugs, medical devices and supplies, and other goods and services that feed into the health care sector. In addition to GHG emissions, health careassociated emissions of several other types of pollutants were also quantified, 2 including those that contribute to acid rain (12% of the national total), photochemical smog (10%), and respiratory disease (9%). Public health damages from exposure to non-GHG emissions were subsequently estimated at 405 000 disabilityadjusted life-years (DALYs) annually. Most of these DALYs were attributable to particulate matter emissions. These health damages are comparable in magnitude to preventable medical errors, 2 but they are incurred indirectly by the general public rather than directly by patients. They are also partially preventable, because reducing wasted resources that do not benefit patient outcomes also reduces upstream emissions and their associated damages. 4 We considered the possible range of health damages from health care-related GHG emissions specifically. These damages were not included in our earlier estimates of health care sector emission disease burden because of the wide variation in approaches used in their estimation-such as the socioeconomic and emission scenarios considered, inclusion or exclusion of particular health effects, potential adaptive responses, and modeling parametersthat can lead to order-of-magnitude differences in damage factors. Potential impacts of climate change on human health, well-being, and security have been characterized in detail and include thermal stress, flooding and extreme events, radiation, air pollution, infectious disease, malnutrition, and potential conflicts (bit.ly/ 1RIYUkC). The World H...