With the rapid advancement of big data, it is becoming a great problem for people to nd objective information in the database.e relevance data processing rule for digging the information can be the way. Relevance data processing rule for digging the information is mainly studied in three aspects: data dimension, data abstraction level, and processing variable type. In the aspect of rules, the research mainly focuses on three aspects: active relationships, passive rules, and uncommon relationship rules. Association rules of digging the data can be the most well-employed investigation goal and aim for the data digging. Along with the advancement of the information scale, the time rate of traditional relationship rules exploration of counting ways is too low. How to increase the time rate for the way of counting is the main research content of relevance data processing rules for digging the information. Current relevance data processing rules for digging the information have two limitations: (1) metrics such as support, con dence, and lift rely too much on expert knowledge or complex adjustment processes in value selection; (2) it is often di cult to explain rare association rules. Based on the existing research, this paper proposes a Markov logic network framework model of association rules to address the above shortcomings. e theory of a hypergraph and system is proposed, and the method of a hypergraph in 3D matrix modeling is studied. Aiming at the new characteristics of big data analysis, a new super edge de nition method is introduced according to the de nition of the system, which greatly enhances the ability to solve problems. In the cluster analysis and calculation of hypergraph, this paper will use the hypergraph segmentation operator hMETIS to carry out the cluster analysis method in order to achieve higher accuracy in cluster analysis and calculation. As for the test of cycle ones, which is in line with the relevance of the hypergraph with clear directions, the thesis will o er a brand-new way to make an analysis and turn the rule of relevance into the hypergraph with clear directions with a new de nition of the near linking matrix, and it will change the dealing way from the test of the cycle and more ones into the linking f bricks and circles, which is a new way to explore. is paper uses two datasets of di erent sizes to conduct rule prediction accuracy experiments on the Markov logic network framework model algorithm of association rules and the traditional association rule algorithm. e results show that compared with the traditional association rule algorithm, the rules obtained by the Markov logic network framework model of association rules have a higher prediction accuracy.