The parents MCU 5, CO 14, CO 17, TCH 1828, KC 2, KC 3, GISV 323, GTHV 15–34 and RHC 1409 of upland cotton were used for the present study. They were obtained from the Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Department of cotton, Coimbatore. Among the 27 primers used only JESPR 154 primer showed amplified fragment at 150 bp which validates the corresponding parents with hairiness trait conferring resistance to Jassid. The hairy nature of trichome density was observed among the resistant genotypes (KC 3, GTHV 15–34, GISV 323 and RHC 1409). Hairiness confers resistance to jassids was evidence from the results and discussion which would confer breeders develop varieties with high resistance genotypes thereby reducing the jassid infestation. The trichomes were found to confer resistance to sucking pests. This henceforth reduce the pesticide consumption in cotton plants thereby paving the way for a safety environment for ecological species without harming them. Pesticide usage would be lowered with the use of tolerant genotypes. It also paves way for the improvement of future integrated pest management (IPM) programme.