This study presents an application of Hall Effect sensor to assess the viscosity of industrial lubricant by using reference metal particles with the dimension ranging from 1 µm to 100 µm and the mass ranging from 0.1 g to 1 g as the essential modules of the developed system. Hall Effect sensor is a small electronic component which is easy for installing, analyzing, and processing due to electrical output generated. Moreover, the cost of this developed method is lower than other means of viscosity tests. At present, there are several studies on viscosity and quality tests of industrial lubricants such as Ultrasonic measurement of viscosity of liquids [1], Photoacoustic measurement of liquid viscosity [2], Measurement of magnetic viscosity in NdFeB [3], A viscosity and density meter with a magnetically suspended rotor [4], Capacitive sensor [5], IR-Absorption [6], and Optical fiber sensing [7]. In this study, the measurement methodology was considered only the lubricant viscosity at the temperature of 26 °C and then compared the results to the viscosity classification which is the reference of lubricant characteristic. Moreover, the lubricant types namely SAE 15W-40, SAE 20W-50 and ISO VG 100 were selected as the case studies.