which makes it possible to take into consideration the maximum possible number of factors of influence based on a statistical relation between the main channel parameters. However, the issue of assessing the fluctuations themselves is given quite a little attention, and their evaluation requires a significant number of observation periods and additional statistical processing of the results. In addition, observations should be carried out for different standards and, to improve the reliability and take into consideration all factors of influence, the time between observation periods may cover days, weeks, and months. Therefore, it is a relevant task to find mathematical ratios that could produce, based on them, such an assessment of the level of fluctuations in the basic channel parameters that would be similar to that obtained from empirical studies at a lower time cost.
Literature review and problem statementA study reported in work [5] shows that obtaining access to the Internet requires that a signal level should not be lower than 60 dBm. With an increase in the channel length and the presence of architectural obstacles, the