PLATE CVIIITHE pathological effects of a polymerised nitrosoquinoline compound NTDQ (N-nitroso-2,2,4-trimethyl-l ,2-dihydroquinoline) have been under investigation in this department. Although it was originally suspected to be a carcinogen, NTDQ has been shown to produce few local tumours after subcutaneous injection in the rat (Carter and Roe, 1968); an interesting series of histopathological changes has, however, been found at the site of injection of the material (Carter, 1969;Carter, Birbeck and Roberts, 1970).NTDQ initially evokes a granuloma which persists for many months; local changes which have been interpreted as early neoplasms eventually appear and some progress to form macroscopic sarcomas. Among the components of these granulomata are many large multinucleate giant cells. It has been shown by electron microscopy that such cells are formed by the fusion of adjacent macrophages and, in order to extend this observation, it was decided to label macrophages heavily with tritiated thymidine (3HT) in uivo during the first few days before giant cells are formed and then look for labelled macrophage nuclei in the giant cells. A previous autoradiographic study had shown that the giant cells themselves do not incorporate a pulse label of 3HT in uivo so that any nuclear labelling would represent uptake of radio-isotope by macrophages before they had fused. By examining tissues from rats killed over a period of several weeks, it was also hoped to establish the length of time that labelled giant cells persisted in the granuloma. The results of this experiment are described here. They give little positive information on the formation and turnover of multinucleate giant cells, but they provide evidence for the existence of both short-lived and moderately long-lived macrophages in granulomata, in some ways similar to those recently described by Ryan and Spector (1969), Spector andSpector (1970).MATERIALS AND METHODS Eighteen male CB-Wistar rats were used, aged 6 wk and initially weighing 180-200 g; they were maintained on a standard cubed diet and water ad libitum. The test compound NTDQ was originally obtained from Monsanto Ltd; it was suspended in polyethylene glycol PEG 400 (BDH) before use. Tritiated thymidine was supplied by the Radiochemical Centre, Amersham; its specific activity was 5 Ci per m.mole.The course of the experiment was as follows. All animals initially received one injection of NTDQ (25 mg in 0.25 ml PEG 400) in the subcutaneous tissues of the right flank. On each of the three following days, the rats were given an intraperitoneal injection of 50 PCi 3HT per 100 g body weight. They were then killed in pairs on days 7, 14, 20, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56 and 63. The injection sites in the flank were removed and fixed in Carnoy's solution. Paraffin sections were prepared at 5 pm and autoradiographs made from each by the dipping technique of Kopriwa and Leblond (1962) on Ilford K 5 nuclear research emulsion. The slides were exposed for 5 wk at 4°C before development, and they were then,