Shrimp in curry medium (SICM) was prepared and thermally processed to three different F0 values, i.e., 5, 7 and 9. The total process time taken to reach the F0 value of 5, 7 and 9 for SICM was 20.09, 24.31 and 28.69 min, respectively. The cook value obtained during the thermal processing of SICM at F0 values of 5, 7 and 9 was 59.20, 67.45 and 69.73 min, respectively. The sensory textural parameters and instrumental textural parameter followed the same trend and showed very good correlation. The instrumental textural parameter like hardness correlated well with the shear force for all the products. The instrumental color parameters for thermally processed shrimp were measured for CIELAB values like L*, a* and b*. These instrumental color parameters correlated well with the sensory color parameters.
Texture is one of the important properties of thermally processed food. The present study was conducted to measure the changes in the textural parameters of retort pouch‐processed Indian white shrimp in different F0 value and to correlate the sensory textural parameters with the instrumental one. It was observed from the result that there is a decrease in the hardness as well as shear force and an increase in the F0 values. Apart from this, the color of the products was also measured to know the effect of thermal processing on it. The color also followed the same trends as texture. This will help to standardize the F0 value to get optimum sensory characteristics for shrimp in curry medium in retort pouch processing.