In order to reduce the harvest loss and optimize and improve the comprehensive performance of the combine harvester, the relationship between the feeding quantity, drum torque, drum speed, harvest loss, and other factors of the wheat combine harvester is studied, and the functional relationship between the loss, feeding quantity and speed is determined. According to the test data, the relationship model between the feeding quantity of the harvester and the drum torque is a quadratic function. For the land with uniform growth, the size of feeding quantity is mainly affected by the forward speed of the harvester. In this way, this paper indirectly achieves the purpose of controlling the feeding quantity by controlling the speed of the harvesting machinery. The control system designed in this paper uses the compensated fuzzy PID to control the walking speed of the vehicle through real-time detection of the drum torque, drum speed and loss of the harvester, so as to comprehensively control the working speed of the harvester and effectively control the harvest loss. The test results show that the control system can effectively reduce the harvest loss and improve the harvest efficiency compared with the manual harvest of the wheat.