PC-based data acquisition (DAQ) systems are irreplaceable in terms of capacity and flexibility for data processing. Data acquisition systems serving IoT are a recent development trend. It is necessary to develop a remotely accessible PC-based DAQ system. In this paper, we present a PC-based DAQ system that can be accessed remotely via the internet. The system consists of several sensors connected to a microcontroller. A two-sided application is developed to set up data access, namely, a local application on the DAQ PC and a web-based application in Google Drive (GD) that can interact with applications on the PC. Local data can then be sent to GD and accessed remotely from a PC. Applications on local PCs will provide a user interface (UI) for managing the data, while those on GD will provide access from the internet. The mean time delay for sending data from a PC to Google Sheets is 2.346 s with minimum and maximum values of 0.874 and 5.863 s, respectively.